Artificial Grass & natural landscaping in Begur


Here you can see a sequence of images on the installation of ARTIFICIAL GRASS in the town of Corçà.

The IMPERIAL 60 artificial turf model is one of the most realistic artificial turfs on the market.

Its height (60 mm) and the irregularity of its pile give the informal appearance of a natural grass without too much perfectionism and regularity. In this way, a spectacular visual effect is achieved compared to other grass models.

In the previous photographs we can see the preparation of the undercoat with screen printing. Once leveled and compacted, we install the anti-germinating mesh to prevent the appearance of weeds. Here the preparation of the land would end. We can now place the artificial grass.

Once the artificial grass locks are in place, we proceed with cleaning and gluing the joints.

And finally, just comb the hair.

This is the usual process for installing artificial grass in an abbreviated manner. All that remains is to enjoy our outdoor space with one of the best ARTIFICIAL GRASS on the market.

At Spais X Tú we are distributors and installers of the EUROCÉSPED brand throughout the province of GIRONA



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